02 February 2010

OXFAM International Youth Program

I am writing to let you know about a wonderful opportunity to be part of Oxfam International Youth Partnerships (OIYP). Please share this attached application form with your networks and encourage young people aged 18-25 to apply to be part of this unique Program. Please note that OIYP only opens applications every 3 years. We also encourage more than one applicant from each organisation or community group.

Applicants will be informed of their selection by mid April 2010. At this point, we will inform successful applicants (Action Partners) of how OIYP will support them to attend the OIYP Kaleidoscope 2010 event. There is a limited scholarship pool which will be allocated to support travel costs for many of the top selected Action Partners. However some Action Partners may be required to fundraise for travel costs, in these cases OIYP will provide support letters and training on fundraising. There is no registration fee for OIYP.

Below is more information about OIYP and who we seek to work with for the next 3 years. I hope this helps you to identify the young people who would really value this opportunity. I appreciate your support in helping to promote this opportunity by getting the application form into the hands of appropriate young people.

Please feel free to contact me in this email or Marisa (marisaf@oxfam.org.au) directly if you would like to discuss OIYP further or if you have any specific questions about the application form.

All the best,
Indah Amaryllis Kosasih | Recruitment Volunteer | Oxfam International Youth PartnershipsOxfam Australia | Level 3/25 Cooper St Surry Hills 2010 | PO Box 1711 Strawberry Hills 2012
Tel: +61 2 8204 3905 | Fax: +61 2 9280 3426 | www.oxfam.org.au

What is OIYP?
Oxfam International Youth Partnerships (OIYP) is an Oxfam International initiative, managed by Oxfam Australia since 2000. OIYP strengthens young people’s ability to effect change in their community, and provides a base from which they can influence broader changes through engagement in a global network of over 1100 OIYP Action Partners.

Through the next 3 year OIYP Program, OIYP 2010 – 2013, Oxfam Australia will provide opportunities and support for 300 new Action Partners so they may demonstrate leadership and expand the influence of youth for positive changes locally, nationally and globally.

For more information about the Oxfam International Youth Partnerships (OIYP) Program, please visit our website www.oiyp.oxfam.org.

Who are we looking for?
Every 3 years OIYP goes through a rigorous process of recruiting and selecting a new group of 300 Action Partners. To be eligible to apply, applicants must be aged 18-25, able to speak English or Spanish conversationally and available to attend an 8 day event in November 2010, in New Delhi, India.

Core selection criteria:
· Commitment to finding new ways of working
· Evidence of commitment to positive, equitable and sustainable change
· Ability to explain their own understanding of the issues they’re working on
· A commitment to personal reflection and developing self awareness
· Community or organisational support

OIYP is open to all nationalities, Indigenous and ethnic groups. It is open to young people with any level of education and who live in rural or urban areas. We have a strong focus on the participation of Indigenous young people and those marginalised in their communities.

For the 2010 – 2013 OIYP Program, Oxfam is specifically targeting young people who:

· Are active on gender justice
· From communities impacted by climate change
· Living with a disability
· Using innovative means to influence decision makers (locally or nationally)
· Are from minority Indigenous groups

Applying to be part of OIYP
Application forms in word and PDF format are available by visiting www.oiyp.oxfam.org and the English version is attached to this email. Applications will be assessed against selection criteria by Oxfam Australia staff; staff from other Oxfam affiliates; youth partners and current OIYP Action Partners.

Applications close on 12 February 2010.