30 October 2010

Wash Program Manager

Closing date: 01 Dec 2010
Location: Bangladesh

Solidarités is a non- profit humanitarian association, based in France and governed under the French Law. The organization was created in 1980 under the name of Solidarités Afghanistan to help the people of Afghanistan. Solidarités is nowadays implementing projects in 15 countries all over the world and has been implementing projects in Afghanistan for 30 years. Solidarités’ mandate is to provide emergency relief to countries where populations are dispossessed due to war or natural disasters. Activities consist in supplying essential goods to people in need, when public services and commercial activity have been disrupted and has still not recovered.


Solidarites in Bangladesh :

SOLIDARITES has been operational in Bangladesh since the end of 2007, after SIDR cyclone. We implemented an emergency response in the field of water, sanitation and hygiene in partnership with a local NGO in Southern part of Bangladesh. After an almost one year project 37,400 persons recovered access to drinkable water, 32,500 persons were trained about the basic rules of hygiene and sanitation and 68,600 persons benefitted from rehabilitation of public water points such as ponds.

In 2009, as 10% of the shelter needs were covered, SOLIDARITES started a recovery program funded by ECHO in the fields of shelter, water and sanitation for the 2000 most vulnerable households in five most affected Unions of Mathbaria. Between January and December 2009, the activities implemented have been the construction of 500 shelters, the rehabilitation of 1700 shelters, the distribution of 1333 family latrines and the rehabilitation of 20 pond sand filter

In June 2009, SOLIDARITES launched a four month emergency response in the aftermath of AILA cyclone bringing relief to 21,100 affected households through water, hygiene and sanitation activities.

After a need assessment in November 2009, a new 12 months project started in January 2010 in the South West part of Bangladesh as early recovery after AILA cyclone. This programme includes a large scope of activities: in shelter, water access and sanitation.

In Teknaf the LEDA project began in March 2010 and a new wash project started mid September 2010 to target vulnerable people in terms of access to water and sanitation in 15 villages around the LEDA site.

Solidarites International has a contingency preparedness plan in place to quickly and adequately respond to emergencies

The mission aims to develop its activity in the field of Food Security in the Dhaka slum and in the AILA affected area, in the field of Wash in Sylhet District (North East of the country) and in the field of water, sanitation and food security in Cox’s Bazar District.

Organization of the mission:

In Dhaka:
- 3 expatriates: 1 Head of Mission, 1 Logistics and Administrative Coordinator and 1 WaSH Coordinator,
- 3 national staff: 1 Admin Deputy, 1 Log Deputy and 1 Cook/ Cleaner,

In Teknaf:
- 3 expatriates: 1 Field Coordinator, 1 Program Manager and 1 Log/Admin,
- 52 national staffs and around 30 permanent Daily workers,


The WaSH PM will work under the supervision of the Field coordinator with a direct functional link with the Wash coordinator based in Dhaka. He/ She will have under his/ her direct supervision 2 PM deputies, 2 watsan engineers, 2 HP officers and one community facilitator.
The project targets 15 villages with a mix of Rohyingas refugees, Chakma minority and local Bangladeshis living there.
The implementation of this programme is very challenging in so far as the villages are in some remote places but will increase our acceptance towards the local authorities.

Main responsibilities:

- Management of the 2 wash projects
- Reporting in relation to the Field Co and WaSH Programme Coordinator
- Representation and exchanges together with the HoM/ WaSH Programme Coordo and the FCO



- At least 1 year of field level NGO experience as there are 2 projects to manage
- Extensive experience of project management in developing countries including: project needs assessment, staff management, reporting
- Experience with construction of Water and Sanitation infrastructures and supervising contractors.
- Experience of activity follow-up according to the project schedule and the budget allocated

Skills and qualifications:

- Ability to delegate and to lead and guide the program team towards their objectives
- Confident and proficient in the use of MS Office and internet applications
- Ability to work under stress and time constraint in a remote environement
- Strong sense of tact and diplomacy is required


Excellent written and spoken English

Salaried contract

SOLIDARITES will pay for accommodation and travel expenses from the expatriate’s country of origin to the site of the assignment. The Program Manager will receive each month 500 euros amount in order to meet food and other expenses. Social and medical cover: Expatriates are on welfare which reimburses all healthcare expenses (medical and surgical expenses, dental care and ophthalmological expenses, repatriation) and a welfare system including war risks. Necessary vaccination and antimalarial treatment costs are refunded. Vacation: During the assignment, a system of alternation between work and time off is implemented: SOLIDARITES impose breaks between two working periods. One break every three months. For a one year duration assignment, the expatriate will have a break during the 3rd and the 9th month after the beginning of the assignment (with a 500 euros amount deposited by Solidarités). He/She will also be entitled to go back to France for a 15 day period after six months spent on the mission (Solidarités will pay for travel costs).
How to apply
Please send your application, CV and cover letter, either going on Solidarités website www.solidarites.org or using the following link (copy paste):

Reference Code: RW_89ZLKM-18